Based on the work of Dr. Ruby Payne and her book called "Emotional Poverty", join us for Part 2 to cover the following goals.
Provide educators tools to read the emotional body language of students
Provide strategies for regulation of behavior from the prefrontal cortex
Identify key issues in the brain development of adolescents
Understand the hippocampus and its creation of stories that guide behavior and identity
Learn strategies to reduce adult stress and compassion fatigue
Use a brain-based approach to the emotional realities of parents and parenting
We recommend that each participant purchase their own copy of the book, here is the link to purchase a copy. Participants should have attended the Intro to Emotional Poverty Workshop before registering for Part 2. 
Presenters: Lonny Rivera, North Point ESC
Audience: K-12 Teachers, School Counselors, Social Workers, Building and/or District level Administrators.
When: November 30, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration will begin at 8:30 AM)
Location: ESC of the Western Reserve- Auburn Technology Learning Center, Room 106
8221 Auburn Road, Painesville, OH 44077
Cost: This workshop is free for all staff from ESCWR's member districts. The cost for non-member districts is $25 per person
Lunch will be on your own and a certificate of participation will be issued to you for 6 contact hours.