The Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve (ESCWR) is dedicated to assisting schools in Geauga and Lake Counties to reach their educational objectives by providing administrative, curricular, instructional, instructional technology, pupil personnel and professional development services. These services are primarily designed to assist boards of education administrators, teachers and other staff members so that they may provide engaging work and services that help students learn and thrive to the best of their ability.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency that partners with Ohioans with disabilities to achieve quality employment and independence. It also provides transition-specific services designed to meet students where they are on their career development path and help them successfully transition from school to work.
The Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities (GCBDD) serves individuals with developmental disabilities by helping them live, learn and earn in the Geauga community. GCBDD prides itself on helping to build a caring community where individuals are integrated, accepted and achieving.
Ohio Parent Mentors (Parent Mentor for Geauga County) are parents of children with disabilities who provide free peer-to-peer support to other families of children with disabilities. They use first-hand experiences to work with schools and guide families to increase the educational success of students who receive special education services. They help families navigate special education processes and services so that childrenwith disabilities get the most out of their educational experience.