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Family and Community Liaison Team

Family & Community Partnership Liaison Program


The ESCWR Family and Community Liaison is an employee of ESCWR that work with districts in Geauga and Lake Counties to assist school staff, students and their families.  It is the liaison’s role to serve as a link between families and schools, and to broker community resources that offer a network of support.   

THE HISTORY The liaison program is a no-cost service for schools, students and their families that was made possible by federal funding known as the CARES Act in 2020.  Currently, the liaison program is being funded by ESSER funds and has been extended through 2024 in partnership with the ODE and The Ohio State University.  In the 21-22 school year the liaison program expanded and a second liaison was hired in order to more adequately accommodate the service area.  This expansion has allowed for additional supports to be present including working with families, community programming opportunities and tutoring, and projects with ODEW and The Ohio State University.  Although statewide funding has concluded for the ODEW/OSU liaison project, ESCWR continues to provide this service to districts and families.  

ESCWR Liaisons Respond to the Community's Needs By:

  1.  Assuring that vulnerable populations have access to resources
  2. Enhancing the system's abilities to meet the needs of students and families
  3. Providing information and technical assistance to school staff
  4. To fill resource gaps

How does the Liaison Support Students & Families?

  • Provides information about school and community resources and links families to them
  • Attends school conferences/meetings with students and their families
  • Assists parents/caregivers in completing paperwork or forms
  • Encourages and arranges for communication between you and your district staff
  • Encourages parent/caregiver involvement
  • Provides educational workshops for parents and caregivers

How do Students & Families Access Services?

The ESCWR liaison receives referrals from school staff, community partners or by self-referrals from families. After the referral is made the liaison will assist the student and their family by connecting them with our community partners in both counties to provide services tailored their individual needs.  

  • The school will identify students in need & make referrals to the liaison
  • Collaborate with liaison to plan supports in and out of school
  • Monitor student’s success; collaborate with liaison for ongoing support
  • Assist in needs assessment
  • Engage in services provided by liaison and/or community partners
  • Communicate with liaison on progress or possible barriers
  • Provide services to student and their families to meet their basic needs, outside of school supports, and/or mental health
  • Will work with school staff, community partners or student and their family to determine their needs
  • Connect student and their family with appropriate supports in and out of the school
 service delivery model


Kristin M. Llewellyn
Family & Community Liaison
(440) 350-2563 X 1715
or (440)898-3281 option 4